Friday, October 10, 2014

Because Your Element Impacts Your Health

        Because I love Halloween I thought I'd put up a fun little quiz to see which element is influencing you the most as we change seasons and Fall takes hold of our senses. I try to factor element type as well as astrology sign into my acupuncture prescription for patients. I have found certain symptoms seem to correlate to certain signs more frequently than others. The same can be said for which element type a person may be. SO... 
What Element Are You?

What's your favorite season?
A)winter B)spring C)summer D)late summer E)fall

Wearing which color makes you feel comfortable and confident?
A) blue/black B) green C) red D) yellow E) white

You need a snack- you grab something
A) salty B) sour C) bitter D) sweet E) pungent

You're most energetic when the weather is
A) cold B) windy C) Hot D) humid E) dry

Movie Night! What are we watching?
A) horror B) action/adventure C) comedy D) heartwarming E) tear-jerker

I have really healthy...
A) hair B) nails C) skin D) lips E) body hair

My friends say I'm very...
A) wise B) generous C) insightful D) inspiring E) altruistic

When faced with a frustrating problem I...
A) can't concentrate B) lose patience C) get angry
D) consult with others E) adapt, if I can

My face shape is
A) round/wider jaw B) inverted triangle C) round & full D) square E) rectangle

Okay! Let's see...
Most people aren't just one element. We all have aspects of every element, but usually one stands out from the rest. Which answer did you choose the most?

A: water B: wood C: fire D: earth E: metal

 “But what does it all mean!?!” you ask? Your five element type influences not just what you tend to like and enjoy but how you perceive the world and your place in it. It can influence which foods really help your health and which ones flatten your energy, how much sleep is optimum for you, even what time of the day you feel at your best. 

Here's a little more about traditional qualities of the Five Element Types

  • The Water person is thick: thick eyelids, thick jaw, thick hands.
  • They are shaped like a ball, with fleshy, round features, big eyes, thick eyebrows and eyelashes, thick hair. They tend to be on the plump side and introspective.
  • They have an indigo complexion, which darkens when they are unwell.
  • Their voice is relaxed and low. Their gait is slow and slightly shuffling.
  • The Wood person is long: long face, long body trunk, long fingers.
  • They are shaped like a tree, with a long face, wide on top and narrow at the bottom, tend to be bony, with wide, slouching shoulders.
  • They have a greenish complexion, a solemn look and can be quick to anger.
  • Their voice is blunt and short. Their stride is loose but forceful.
  • The Fire person is pointy: pointy nose, pointy chin, pointy head.
  • They are shaped like a torch with full, round faces, and thin hair. They tend to be plump, of medium build with sloping shoulders.
  • They have a reddish complexion; their ears, neck and face flush crimson easily.
  • Their voice is sharp and high. Their walk is dance like, light-footed and fleet.
  • The Earth person is short: short body, short neck, short fingers.
  • They are shaped like a square with square faces, big ears and noses. They have muscular and thick torsos, tend to be clumsy, seem honest and guileless.
  • The have a yellowish complexion, which loses its luster when they are unhappy.
  • Their voice is loud, low-pitched with a nasal tone. Their gait solid and staid.
  • The Metal person is thin: thin lips, thin eyelids, thin hands.
  • They are attractive-looking, with rectangular faces, with defined, symmetrical features. They tend to be slim, graceful and lively, persuasive communicators.
  • The have a pale complexion which blanches when they are unhappy.
  • Their voice is mellifluous and throaty. Their gait is swift, light, and lively.