Thursday, February 26, 2015

Because Acupuncture Can Improve Your Appearance

   When you strain a muscle while exercising, what do you do?  You give it rest, try to limit it's use, maybe take an ibuprofen. What about when those muscles are in your face? There are over 40 different muscles in the human face and, just like the rest of your body, they can become strained from over-use or get stuck in a cramp or become weak and stringy. We put our faces through so much every day! Smiling, frowning, laughing, throwing a side eye at that person on the train who elbowed you in the arm while they were boarding. Even when we don't let our expressions tell our thoughts we internalize those emotional responses as we interact with the world all day. Think of all the times during a workday you have to deal with someone you don't get along well with but must keep that smile in place.
    How do our internal emotions end up wreaking havoc with our appearance? Stress can trigger an unhealthy rise in cortisol levels. Cortisol suppresses auto-immune function. Since cortisol  also inhibits collagen production wrinkles can develop more readily and the ones you have already can become more pronounced and entrenched. Any droop or sag in your skin becomes more pronounced, as well. It acts as a diuretic, dehydrating and drying you out, leaving you looking ashen and wan, with lusterless hair. It slows the wound healing process, so any blemishes you get take twice as long to heal. Since the chance of infection goes up as well this can further prolong the healing process. Now add in some key components of life in New York: lots of coffee, not super healthy food and lousy sleep and you have a recipe for not looking or feeling your best.
   So what's the answer? Surgical procedures are a pretty radical step. For many of us our vanity is not quite strong enough to go under the knife and instead opt to get some fillers. Some of us head to the spa for facials, steams, unguents and so forth. Unfortunately, the effect is rarely what we were hoping for. Very often the results are either not as effective as we'd like or too obvious and we no longer look like ourselves. With Constitutional Rejuvenation treatments, however, you can not only look your best, you can feel amazing, too. Finding a place of serenity and calm in New York City may seem practically impossible, but making time for yourself can make all the difference in your health.
   Of course, acupuncture isn't going to change the shape of your features. If you have a deviated septum, you may still need rhinoplasty. But if you have been thinking about altering the shape of your eyes, you should discover what you look like without the puffy and dark bags under them, first. Also, there are less invasive ways to ease your smile lines than getting a face lift. After all, the brightness and quality of your skin tone can make all the difference in what age you are perceived to be.
   With Constitutional Rejuvenation anyone can have movie star skin. Seriously; your skin can look as amazing and luminous as Julianne Moore or Gwen Stefani. Ms. Moore has been very open about how helpful she has found regular acupuncture treatments. The tabloids always have shots of Gwen Stefani's weekly trips for acupuncture ever since her recent pregnancy. Wouldn't it be great to look half your age  like they do? It's not thousand dollar face cream or a trainer, it's acupuncture and it's easily within your grasp.
   Let me tell you something; when an Acupuncturist learns a specific treatment protocol or needling technique, we practice on each other. As I learned this specific prescription and special style of needling, my classmates and I watched our complexions transform from blotchy and uneven to smooth and radiant over the course of 10 weeks. Even my hair seemed to have more life and volume. I was really impressed that the prescription worked so well on my appearance, not to mention the increase in my energy and how much it reduced my stress.
   These days I'm often asked if I give myself acupuncture and the answer is, in general, no. Except...the spot needling I do on my forehead....and the lines at the inside of my eyebrows....and the tiny crows feet I noticed last year.... and any spots I have a cystic breakout.... you might notice a pattern here. Why will I do this sort of acupuncture on myself ? Structurally stimulating the skin via micro-trauma produces increased collagen production at the site of insertion. That's a fairly straight forward process and doesn't require the manipulation of qi, mine or yours. Not to mention that Constitutional Rejuvenation is so effective that the effects of the initial treatment series are easy to maintain with a monthly "tune-up" appointment or simple spot maintenance.
   A thorough regimen of 10 to 12 treatments spaced over a month and half to three months is recommended for optimal results. I can help you whether you're planning your wedding and want to look and feel your absolute best, want to take a proactive approach to the aging process or have specific problems with your skin (like break-outs, rosacea, psoriasis or dermatitis).  

   Constitutional Rejuvenation can help you look and feel your best by restoring balance to your system and  leave you feeling refreshed and ready to face our 
big, beautiful New York City, once again.

You can find out more about booking an appointment here
or you can  book directly 

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